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Responsive Website Design

3 Best Practices for Amazing Web Designs in 2019


First impression is the last impression, this statement stands true for your web design too. Creating a good web design refer to Web Design in Mississauga is the most critical part of gaining your audience’s attention. In a matter of seconds, your visitors can decide if your website is worth engaging. Doesn’t matter if your website has the best and high-quality information, the look of your site will matter the most here.

Many prefer reading something that is visually appealing rather than going for something plain. For any business, a web design is the digital front door for the world to have a look as to what your company has to offer. If your visitor doesn’t like what they see, they will most likely hit the back button without thinking twice and visit your competitors.

There are several factors you must consider to build an impressive web design with amazing user-friendly experience.

Responsive Design – You must have heard about it plenty of times but is the creme de la creme of the web design world. This includes everything that describe user experience from easy-to-use navigation, user-friendly fonts, color schemes, page rendering and much more.

Responsive web design has gained popularity because it responds to the users’ needs. As a designer, you can seamlessly use grids and layouts as well as your intuition to create a highly responsive web design. Responsive design adjust the size of your browser automatically, this way your user can easily view information they need.

Practice These Responsive Website Design:

Acknowledge breakpoints:

You are required to have at minimum 3 breakpoints which are mobile, tablet, and desktop. Although it is alright to have 3 breakpoints but to ensure page rendering and achieve the most device flexibility.

Enhance images:

With responsive design, you can ignore fluid images. Optimize the images properly too and it is better to crop images on smaller screen.

Flexible elements:

Everything from layouts, image sizes, text blocks must be flexible. Smart CSS media queries will give your website the fluidity to fit inside all the devices.

Scalar Vector Graphics (SVGs):

For a responsive design, it is best to use SVGs rather than Raster graphics for the best quality. As Raster graphics deal on pixels whereas SVGs alter their resolution based on image path, thus maintaining clarity in every device.
vector vs non vector logo

Minimalist concept:

This is the most essential practice that you must adopt in your website design. Your website will be viewed on many device with different screen size, so you need to fit everything so it looks good throughout these devices. To achieve this, going minimalist is prevalent in web design.

Start with the smallest screen first:

Design on the smartphone layout to separate the essential elements. You can add more features as you scale up.

Hide Content appropriately:

Smartphones doesn’t offer enough negative spaces or white spaces. In desktop, it is best to provide enough breathing space. If you want to reduce the number of elements that need restructuring.

Maintain Consistent Branding:

If you don’t have consistent branding, your website won’t have any clear goal and will be confusing for your users. Many brand website ignore this causing an inconsistency throughout their website, a user can’t tell where the position themselves in the market or their brand color.

A critical practice in web design, this helps in maintaining a consistent branding for your business. Use logos, brand colors and messaging for uniformity. Strong Call to Actions (CTA) – The goal behind creating a website is to attract your audience and turn these leads into customers. If your website is lacking a compelling call-to-action, it may not win your customer’s heart. Strong calls to action can help convert visitors into new clients. It is imperative that you place CTAs to make sense to your audience.

For example– You can place “Contact Us” at the end of the design once your visitor has understood your brand.

Creating a beautiful and entertaining website isn’t enough, your website must be functional as well. Enterprise Web Cloud creates the most stunning web design that are consistent with your brand.

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